See you next summer! The Lake Casitas Waterpark will open again for more fun next year.
Lake Casitas Recreation Area
Waterpark Passes
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Lake Casitas Municipal Water District
Privacy Policy
The Lake Casitas Municipal Water District does not disclose or share your personal information without your express consent.
This is a secure reservation form.
Lake Casitas Recreation Area
Casitas Water Adventure General Rules
Casitas Municipal Water District reserves the right to deny entrance to, or evict from, the Casitas Water Adventure any guest violating the posted rules.
1. No Entry:
- When the Casitas Water Adventure (CWA) is closed to the public.
- Without a valid ticket or Annual Pass
2. Not Permitted:
- Running, pushing, dunking, or throwing objects in or around the water.
- Disruptive or dangerous behavior, using obscene or profane language, displaying offensive tattoos.
- Discharge of bodily fluids, including spitting and nose blowing in the water or on the deck area.
- Smoking or vaping inside the CWA
- Food and beverages inside the CWA, except for baby formula and water bottles. The Casitas Municipal Water District (Casitas) reserves the right to inspect all containers for food and other prohibited items such as knives, etc.
- No eating or drinking while in or on waterpark attractions.
- Toys, unapproved flotation devices, or water wings. Only Coast Guard-approved personal flotation devices can be worn. CWA provides children's life jackets at no charge while supplies last.
- Dogs or other animals (except service animals) inside the CWA.
- Use of any device containing a camera in bathrooms and changing facilities.
3. Before Entering the Water, guests must:
- Be wearing specifically designed swim attire with liner (no metal rivets). (Guests with concerns regarding modest or religious considerations may wear clean, covering garments over their swim attire that do not interfere with their safety.)
- Rinse off using the CWA showers.
- Remove all jewelry and band-aids.
4. Do Not Enter the Water:
- If bleeding or have an open wound.
- If wearing street attire such as cut-off jeans, cargo shorts, sweatpants, etc
5. Guests Are Responsible For Children In Their Care
- Children (under 14 years of age) must be supervised by a responsible adult (over 18 years of age) in swim attire.
- Responsible adults must be within arm's reach of small children in their care while in the water
6. Swimsuit diapers with plastic pants must be worn by children or guests who are unable to control bodily functions. Cloth or disposable diapers are not acceptable.
7. Emergencies:
- Report any injury immediately to CWA staff.
- Follow all directions provided by CWA staff.
- The CWA may be closed to due to adverse weather conditions or other safety concerns.
8. Casitas Assumes No Liability For:
- Personal property or valuables brought into CWA.
- Injuries or damage arising as a result of participation. Guests are advised to consult a physician concerning fitness to participate. Participants assume responsibility for risks and hazards inherent in all the activities.
9. Refunds:
- No refunds, exchanges, date transfers, or rainchecks will be issued.
10. Park Hours:
- Reentry will not be allowed 15 minutes before closing time.
- Showers will close 15 minutes before closing time, additional showers are available in Jay Campground.
- All waterpark rides will close 15 minutes before closing time.